Are you feeling alone and somewhat overwhelmed about potty training? 

There seem to be so many options and so many "one-size-fits-all" options, but you just want to lovingly help get your child out of diapers and on to using the potty...

But, how? 

What if you have questions along the way

Who do you ask? Will they have time to answer your questions? 

Will they have more than just their own experience to advise you from?

The Potty Lounge is the place for those mamas who could do-it-themselves, but let's be real, would rather expedite, and even enjoy the process alongside other mamas who are going through the same journey...and get some advice that came from more than a few kid's worth of experience...

"We went from 'I love squishy poop in my diaper!' to...

"Awesome video!!! Thanks for sharing your journey. You're a strong mama and I'm thankful for how you've been sharing your knowledge!!!! I've not posted much cause... drum roll... [My child]'s potty trained!!!! He went from only going in his diaper to 24 hours later never wearing a diaper again!!!! We are officially diaper free at bedtime for both twins too!!! ...Thanks!"

-Jill (Hanoi, Vietnam, mama of twins, living abroad)

"The Potty School helped me get through our potty training regression! My daughter potty trained early and easily and I thought we were in the clear, so I was totally unprepared when she went through a regression with her bowel movements about 6 months later. I researched and tried different things but was not successful and I was becoming increasingly frustrated as weeks went by. I contacted The Potty School and her simple suggestions made an immediate change for us!  Having someone troubleshoot alongside us was both helpful and reassuring!"

- Kristin (Tustin, CA)

"I would like to thank you again for our chat/consultation. We have hit a major improvement in potty training our daughter, whereby she is now asking to go toilet (which she never did previously) and also going with minimal accidents, if any at all. She has also been at nursery all day today, and not one accident. I couldn't be more proud of her, but also go glad the potty training challenge and our consultation helped me!"

-Dee (London, England - United Kingdom)

What's included in The Potty Lounge?

The Potty Training Video Series, a 30-minute Personalized Consultation, 4-weeks worth of access to 30-minutes of live Question & Answer time + Access to 9 Potty Training mini-lessons.

The Potty Training Video Series (lifetime access) ($97 value)

  • 9+ modules of step-by-step directions. Everything from prepping your heart & your home to how to best potty train according to your Pottying Personality. This course will have a *bonus* module based on the needs of those who enroll during the fast-action bonus period. (See full description at:

30-minute Personalized Consultation ($70 value)

  • Your 30-minute (phone) consult will be scheduled so you will be consulting directly with Michelle Swaney.
  • You'll have a chance to let us know what you've tried, what's worked so far (if you've even started), what hasn't, special needs, etc. and then help you decide what are the next best steps for your family.
  • You'll leave with answers to your questions and steps to try moving forward.
  • (See full description here:

4-weeks worth of access to 30-minutes of live Q&A time (30-days) ($120 value)

  • Questions will be answered in the private group, in a 30-minutes once a week "show". 
  • Questions can be posted at anytime in the private group (you will be invited), just tag @askthepottyschool and your questions will be answered on the Q&A for that week, each week!
  • Hosted by Michelle Swaney (CEO of The Potty School) in the private members' club

Access to 9 Potty Training "mini-lessons":  ($149 value)

(a total of over 3 1/2 hours worth of training, divided  by subject)

Subjects include:

  • Why do kids poop in their pants? (and what to do about it)
  • Pottying at the beach
  • How to use a "potty training" doll
  • What to do when you run out of diapers?
  • Reviews of undies brands
  • Overview of potty options
  • What to do about diarrhea
  • How to begin with the end in mind
  • Potty training while traveling

VALUE: $436

Price to you: $197 (pricing will go up to $247, after the fast-acting period is over)

(Hint: You're probably currently spending  $50-$100/month by keeping your kiddo in diapers)


You will ALSO get the two FAST-ACTING BONUSES if you join by Friday, 7/21/17, 3pm PDT (11pm GMT)

What are the bonuses? See below!

"Being a part of The Potty School Members' Club was a fantastic experience. Not only was I able to have access to great resources, but I also saw what other mums were experiencing and how they made it through. I was truly inspired by those who were successful in their journey and it made me persevere while potty training because I saw when other mums were having a difficult time and were offered so much support and encouragement, which gave me hope! All and all I highly recommend this investment in your child, family and finances [money saved from diapering]. It is truly worth every dollar! Thank you The Potty School."

- Hemmings Family (Caman Islands)

Founder of I'm a Mum

"I cannot even begin to tell you how much...the monthly subscription group helped me!! I was so nervous going into potty training with my son and the preparation, support, encouragement and information were key in an easy and seamless transition from diapers to undies!! Would have been a wreck without this group. Plus, Michelle is so awesome, giving of her time even tho she's a mom of three and has so many tricks up her sleeve.  I still hear her voice when I'm taking my son potty!!

~ Elizabeth (Pasadena, CA, USA)

Fast-Acting Bonus #1:  ($19.95 value)

Picky Eater training "The Veggie Bundle" by Jenn Zils of Kids Eat Veggies

This bundle is for those who are potty training and want to avoid constipation, those whose children are constipated, and anyone who just wants to get more veggies in their child's diet.

I know that so many of you mamas struggle with getting your children to not only eat vegetables...but to even look at them! We've partnered with Jennifer Zils, the found of Kids Eat Vegetables to give some tips and pointed on how to integrate vegetables into your child's diet, seamlessly, and without giant arguments.

She's a wife, mother of three and a Certified Integrative Health Coach, specializing in helping families embrace healthy eating and lifestyle choices. My objective is simple: to help families ditch the soda and eat more vegetables by sharing my own family’s journey from Kool-Aid and Mac ’n Cheese to kombucha and kale.

In this bundle you will learn:

  • Ideas of when the best times are to introduce veggies
  • How to give both "see-able" and "invisible" veggies - and recipes for both
  • 4 recipes that are fiber-filled to help keep your children regular
  • How to make smoothies even healthier, and acceptable by your children

"I just wanted to let you know that one of the parents that attended your potty training at Mitchell Child Development Center implemented what you presented at our training and now her son is fully potty trained. She wanted me to let you know that what you shared with the parents was very effective and she wanted to thank you for helping her in the potty training process. It made my day when she approached me and I told her I would pass the message on to you. Thank you for helping our parents!"

- Lisa Trann

Mitchell Child Development Center (Santa Ana, CA)

[referring to talk given to parents of special needs children, many on the Autism spectrum]

Fast-Acting Bonus #2: ($29.97 value)

Nights, Naps & Accidents mini-course by The Potty School: 

Naps, Nights & Daytime Accidents is an efficient powerhouse video series that helps troubleshoot beyond the typical advice to "limit hydration before bedtime."

Go through several options of how you can teach your child to hold their pee/poo until they get to a potty, or wake-up.

These suggestions are based on research conducted in Israel, Oklahoma and Utah.

They are great options and give wonderful suggestions of "exercises" that can be done in order to increase bladder size and control.

As always, they are not a replacement for being seen by a physician, but a supplement to aide in the potty training process, often when "completion" has been prolonged.

But, remember, the fast-acting bonuses will disappear at 3pm, on Friday, 7/21/17 act-fast!

In The Potty Lounge there is...

No more feeling alone. 

No more feeling defeated. 

No more feeling like you can't.

We'll be there, step-by-step.

"Michelle not only has a heart of GOLD that really cares about your child and YOUR parenting style - her information is PLATINUM in helping you find the tools and tricks that educate and support you (in my opinion) one of the hardest aspects of early childhood parenting!"

Megan Elizabeth (Gilbertsville, PA)

Owner of Above Rubies

Remember, the two fast-action bonuses will disappear, and the price will go back up to normal in...

P.S. Do you have any questions? Or, maybe you just want to have a quick chat to see if you're a good fit for The Potty Lounge. Click here to book a 10-minute no-obligation call with me and let's find out if The Potty Lounge is the right fit for you.